Re: folders with new mail not discovered

On 03/22/07 20:12:49, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
On 03/22/2007 03:43:23 PM Thu, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> I run a script that feeds new mail into various folders in my mail
> directory.  I then depend on Balsa to discover new mail and
> the folders.
> For years this has worked well.
> I recently moved my mail directory to a new system, via a copy-out
> copy-in procedure using a CD (ie permissions were lost and were
> restored).
> Now Balsa fails to discover new mail. "Check for new mail" is set to
> Any thoughts?

Hi Geoffrey!

Is that the "Subscribe for new mail check" check-box in the mailbox
properties?  Right-click on the mailbox, or hit Mailbox => Edit..., to

edit the properties.

Did that -- sorry for forgetting to mention. It is also (sigh) inconsistent. Sometimes Balsa notices the new mail, sometimes not.

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