Re: mangled attachements

On 12/17/2005 08:35:15 PM Sat, hannes wrote:
hello everybody,

its the balsa newbie again. I have imported mails from pegasus, an all the pic attachements are now Content type application/octet-stream.

the faq says: the Control Panel for Balsa, under Mime Types, find application/octet-stream - highlight it, select "Edit" ...

but - where do I find these Mime types? The preferences-menu?

That must be referring to some feature of earlier versions of Gnome--I don't know of a "Control Panel for Balsa".

Presumably, if you look at the message source, you'll see that the image has content-type:application/octet-stream and content-disposition:attachment. Balsa takes that at face value, and the popup menu for that item on the "Message parts" part offers only the option to "Save..." the part. But if you activate the item (double-click, or hit the space bar while it's selected), Balsa will try to display it, and if it recognizes the content as an image, will offer the option to view it with your default image viewer.

Unfortunately, a bug in version 2.3.3 and later versions prevents Balsa from recognizing content when the message is in an mbox-style mailbox. It should still work if you create a maildir or mh mailbox and move the messages there.



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