Fedora Core 4 + Balsa

Balsa has been pulled from Fedora Rawhide and won't be in extras unless someone is willing to maintain it in Fedora Extras and gets sponsored.

I'm trying to get sponsored but for something else, but I've seen nothing on the Extras mailing list about someone wanting to be sponsored to maintain balsa there.

If I get sponsored for Extras and no one else steps up to maintain balsa in Fedora Extras, I may do so just because it is my e-mail client of choice and will be building my own rpm for it anyway, but I'd rather someone somewhat familiar with the code maintained it - especially since I'm going to have to take on more paying work to make ends meet needs and wants.

So if anyone is interested - it would make me very happy, Fedora Core is my distro of choice, and Balsa is my client of choice - I'd like to keep using both ... and would prefer to do so with a Balsa package maintained in Fedora Extras.

Michael A. Peters

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