Re: Balsa in Fedora Core

I examined the Balsa RPM currently in FC2 and found six downstream patches for the 2.0.17 release. I then made sure none of the changes were in CVS. Two of these were clearly distribution specific. Of the remaining four, I'm not sure if most of them are appropriate or will pass muster. So, I'll attach them here so you guys can look them over and see if there is anything you think should be used. The 64 bit fix looks good enough. As I recall, flock/fnctl semantics are tricky and have been discussed extensively before, but I'll include it anyways since it's so small.

--- balsa-2.0.14/libbalsa/misc.c.64bit-fixes	2003-07-29 13:11:59.000000000 +0200
+++ balsa-2.0.14/libbalsa/misc.c	2003-10-09 19:54:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ libbalsa_utf8_sanitize(gchar **text, gbo
 	    *p = '?';
     } else {
 	/* */
-	gint b_written;
+	gsize b_written;
 	GError *conv_error = NULL;
 	const gchar *use_enc = libbalsa_get_codeset_name(*text, codeset);
 	gchar *p = g_convert(*text, strlen(*text), "utf-8", use_enc, NULL,
--- balsa-2.0.14/libbalsa/address-book-vcard.c.64bit-fixes	2003-08-10 23:34:40.000000000 +0200
+++ balsa-2.0.14/libbalsa/address-book-vcard.c	2003-10-09 19:56:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ load_vcard_file(LibBalsaAddressBook *ab)
 		address->address_list = g_list_reverse(address_list);
 		if (name) {
-                    gint bread, bwritten;
+                    gsize bread, bwritten;
                     GError *err = NULL;
                     gchar *cved = g_locale_to_utf8(name, -1, 
                                                    &bread, &bwritten, &err);
--- balsa-0.9.4/po/   Tue May  2 18:37:39 2000
+++ balsa-0.9.4/po/        Tue May  2 18:37:57 2000
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
 VPATH = @srcdir@

-prefix = @prefix@
+prefix = $(DESTDIR)/@prefix@
 exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
 datadir = $(prefix)/@DATADIRNAME@
 localedir = $(datadir)/locale
--- balsa-1.1.1/libmutt/	Thu Feb  8 19:09:05 2001
+++ balsa-1.1.1/libmutt/	Thu Feb  8 19:09:07 2001
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SSL, test x$need_ssl = xyes)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(flock, [  --disable-fcntl            Do NOT use flock() to lock files ],
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(flock, [  --disable-flock            Do NOT use flock() to lock files ],
 	[if test $enableval = no; then mutt_cv_flock=no; fi])
 if test $mutt_cv_flock = yes; then
--- balsa-2.0.3/libinit_balsa/balsa-druid-page-directory.c.orig	Wed Aug 14 16:19:26 2002
+++ balsa-2.0.3/libinit_balsa/balsa-druid-page-directory.c	Tue Nov  5 16:07:46 2002
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
     gchar *dup;
     gchar *index;
+    char tmp[32] = "/tmp/balsa.XXXXXX";
     ciss_url_t url;
     gboolean ssl = FALSE;
@@ -116,20 +117,21 @@
     if (*box == NULL) {
         if (strcmp("/var/spool/mail/", path)) {
-            (*error) =
-                g_strdup_printf(_
-                                ("The mailbox \"%s\" does not appear to be valid.\n"
-                                 "Your system does not allow for creation of mailboxes\n"
-                                 "in /var/spool/mail. Balsa wouldn't function properly\n"
-                                 "until the system created the mailboxes. Please change\n"
-                                 "the mailbox path or check your system configuration."),
-                                path);
-        } else {
+	    /* Don't fail if you can't create the spool mailbox. */
+	    close(mkstemp(tmp));
+		*box = (LibBalsaMailbox*)libbalsa_mailbox_local_new(tmp, FALSE);
+		if (*box) {
+			free((*box)->url);
+			(*box)->url = g_strdup_printf("file://%s",path);
+		}
+		unlink(tmp);
+	}
+    }
+    if ( *box == NULL) {
             (*error) =
                                 ("The mailbox \"%s\" does not appear to be valid."),
-        }

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