RESOLVED: Re: howto compile balsa?

Hi all,
I'm happy to say that I'm finally running balsa-2.0.16! Thanks for the  
help, passing just --with-gpgme to configure, along with cleaning up  
the libgpgme-dev stuff resolved my problems. I did know that balsa  
needed gpgme 0.4.3 but I had 0.3.x installed as well.

I like the new look to the header display, and I'm real happy about the  
"next unread" button displaying the next message in the same window.  
GPG support seems a lot nicer too, and I don't get the funky "balsa  
doesn't trust me" issue anymore. Also, hopefully some recent problems  
I've been having with balsa corrupting my conf file and subsequently  
core dumping on starts has been resolved - I didn't post this problem  
since I think it's been fixed with the new version.

I did have a problem today, however. I tried to make a new mbox to see  
if balsa re-opened all the other mboxes again, but instead balsa just  
froze and I had to Xkill it. Weird. I'll try this again with debug  
options and maybe strace to see what's happening.

Thanks again for my favorite mailer app,
which beats the crap out of any other mailer out there!

PGP signature

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