Re: Balsa 2.0.16: Could not delete Messages in Mailbox

On 01/19/2004 06:11:25 PM, Uwe Scholz wrote:
> Hello,
>  since i've been installed Balsa 2.0.16 (rpm) i could not delete any   
> mails  lying in my Mailbox /var/spool/mail/uwe. Balsa mentions not to  
> have  write  permissions to it. Really strange, with 2.0.15 it works.

This is surprising because this part of code was not touched as far as I  
can tell. Do you know whether both versions were built with the same  
configure options? Could you also run 2.0.16 with strace

strace -olog balsa

- just open balsa, try to delete mail, get the message, close balsa, and  
post the log file (preferably compressed) somewhere.


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