Re: [patch] button to import missing pgp key

Am 10.05.2003 20:35 schrieb(en) Simon Brown:
> Have a look in your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf you've obviously been 
> downloading them automatically

Well, now that you mention it... I had to enable this by hand, but it 
was taken from a gpg-howto, so it was not a that conscious decision to 
remember. ;o)

> You can configure gpg to automatically fetch missing keys, Albrechts 
> patch is a manual way of doing it through balsa, useful for people on 
> dial ups.

If I were on a dial-up (and I was some years ago) I wouldn't want to 
have messages pop up all the time. Right now it's uncomfortable enough 
when a warning about non-validated sigs pops up. Considering there 
already is an icon and a text below the headers, it's somewhat 

You could simply offer a "fetch key + validate" option for such 



PGP signature

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