Filter apply rules (was Re: BALSA 2.0.7 bugs)

(CC-ing balsa-list since it may be of general interest: the question is 
whether messages flagged as deleted should be included in filtering or 

On 2003.02.11 18:51 Emmanuel wrote:
> Here is my preferred way to have something consistent : the implicit 
> commit after (or before?) applying filters will be choosen if and 
> only if the user has checked the "delete immediately and 
> irremediably". Else a message box would be displayed when the user 
> wants to apply filters on a "dirty" mailbox (ie with deleted mails in 
> it) to inform it of the side effects and to ask him if he wants to 
> commit first (this dialog could have a check box in it saying "do not 
> open this dialog box again" as mozilla or others do).
> Would that suit everyone?

Hm, I wonder: would anyone be interested in applying filter to messages 
flagged as deleted? Would it not be best just to exclude deleted 
messages from filters at all? Or from the filters that move messages 
around, or delete them (hm, this sounds bit inconsistent)?

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