Help Please!

i am getting the below Error message when i try to link the library
"lsmtp.a" from my aplication.
Following are my os and linking options.

Environment: Open BSD 3.0.
CFLAGS=-c -O -Wno-deprecated

 g++ -O -o bootstrap.cgi tmp/bootstrap.o tmp/Form.o tmp/user.o tmp/xx.o
tmp/utils.o tmp/response.o -lc_r -lssl -lcrypto -ldb -lconf -lx509 -lafc
-laclib -lmysqlclient -lglib -lsmtp -lsmtp_mime -L../lib/bin -L.
-L../../lib/bin -L/usr/local/lib -L/home/gowri/xerces/lib -lxerces
-Xlinker -R.
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_session_initialize(void)'
referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_set_environment(char *, char *,
unsigned int, libsmtp_session_struct *)' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_add_recipient(int, char *,
libsmtp_session_struct *)' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_connect(char *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, libsmtp_session_struct *)' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_dialogue(libsmtp_session_struct *)
 ' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_headers(libsmtp_session_struct *)
' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_body_send_raw(char *, unsigned
long, libsmtp_session_struct *)' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_body_end(libsmtp_session_struct *)
 ' referenced from text segment
tmp/utils.o: Undefined symbol `libsmtp_quit(libsmtp_session_struct *)   '
referenced from text segment
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Error code 1

Stop in /home/gowri/SMTP/fortress/cgi (line 200 of Makefile).

It would be helpfull if you provide me the solution.


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