Threads, just a few questions

Hi all,

I've always wondered what the threads-feature in balsa is about. As much as I know, threads are there to enable the processing of concurrent tasks. Furthermore, the only point where I would expect concurrency in a mail-client is to enable the creation of a new mails and browsing the folders at the same time. But balsa can do this without threads-support as well. :)
After having disabled threads, I just don't get any feedback when calling POP3 or sending via SMTP. Are threads really needed to display these little popup-windows, which block the rest of balsa anyways?

And then, there are the many problems I've seen with thread-implementation. the a-/pspell-dependency, maybe some gpgme-lib-problems, crashes on IMAP-folder-creation, ... If the feedback wouldn't have gone at all, I don't see any need for threads for my personal daily use, but I am aware of the fact, that I have no clue about the programming situation, so some enlightenment would be nice, and maybe some generic discussion for or agains threads in future versions, right now I'm not 100% happy with any of the choices.



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