Re: Strange behaviour of send button - greyed out permanently?

Wow! That was a fast reply! 

On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 07:31:51 -0400
Peter Bloomfield <> wrote:

| > Could anyone offer any insights to as why in the name of Faidros
| > my send button stays greyed out, effectively keeping me from
| > utilizing balsa for half of it's main purpose (sending mail...)?
| > 
| > In a post (from 2001, I believe) on usenet, someone mentioned,
| > that balsa checks to see if certain fields are filled out, before
| > it activates the send button. Could this be it?
| Possibly: before sensitizing the Send button, Balsa checks for exactly
| one valid From address, and one or more valid To addresses. The label 
| (`From:' or `To:') should be colored red (by default) to indicate
| which | field(s) is (are) the problem.

Thing is, no fields are marked red. What should I do to figure out
what the problem really is? I'm prepared to do a 'debugging' build
except I don't know how (which flags to pass to what). I bet someone
here has experience in this area?

Also, could it be that the 'outbox' is not configured properly?
If this is the case, is the behaviour correct? I use IMAP and maildirs,
but I also tried to set up mbox folders in a seperate dir and configured
balsa to use them. Any thoughts?

I know my questions are a bit vague - I just don't know what is causing
the (to me at least) strange behaviour, so it is hard for me to pinpoint
the error. I try to be open to the fact that the source of the problem
might actually sit in front of the monitor...


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