Re: error sending message

thanks for the reply, paulo.

On 2002.05.28 09:33 Paulo Andre' wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> On 2002.05.28 15:30 Bryan Butler wrote:
> > 
> > i just got the following message when trying to send an email:
> > 
> > Message submission problem, placing it into your outbox. System will
> > attempt to resubmit the message until you delete it.
> > 
> > could somebody please tell me which conditions trigger this message?
> AFAIK, that's happening because there's some problem going on with your 
> smtp server. Check Settings > Preferences > Mail Servers and then the 
> 'Remote SMTP Server' under 'Outgoing Mail'. Make sure your are using a 
> functional and correct SMTP address and specifying the right port 
> (usually 25). So, it should look like this:
> Where '' is the SMTP server of you ISP and '25' is the port 
> where it lives.

this does not seem to be the problem - i've been sending other
emails with no problem this morning - it just failed on the one.
FWIW, my remote SMTP server is simply 'localhost:25', which works.
very strange that only the one email failed - this is why i was
wondering specifically which conditions trigger that message...

> > also, what is the frequency and duration of the resubmissions?
> I don't think messages placed in the outbox get automatically re-sent.  
> But maybe they are resubmitted when you automatically check for new 
> mail in which you can set the frequency in Settings > Preferences > 
> Mail Options.

then the message should be changed, i guess, since it implies that
the message will be automatically resubmitted.

> > i'm using 1.2.4 (yes, yes, i *know* it's outdated - somebody *please*
> > make a newer _stable_ release, OK?).
> Well, the latest 1.3 versions are quite stabled despite this and that 
> bug, but nothing serious, no show stoppers. You might want to try it 
> out and see for yourself :-)

our sysadmins will not install anything that is not officially a 'stable'
release.  i have newer versions on my own computers, but for work, i
don't have the luxury of installing whatever i want - i have to rely on
our sysfolk.  until one of the 1.3.x versions gets blessed as 'stable',
i will be stuck with 1.2.4 at work :(...

	-bryan butler
	 associate scientist
	 national radio astronomy observatory

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