Re: [PATCH] : separate window with search results

On 17.03.2002 22:56 Laurent Cheylus wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting Emmanuel <>:
> > here is a patch against CVS to implement the "all search results in a
> > separate window" feature.
> > This is a really ALPHA PATCH, it is not that clean, but it's just a way
> > to see if people would be insterested in that sort of feature.
> Yes, I'm very interested by this feature (and all your work on filters
> and
> search features for Balsa).
> > In the meantime I'll note all comments/bug reports/requests...
> I have tested your patch with CVS sources and it works very well.
> It will be better if we can have more search patterns : "Date", "Status"
> and
> some criterias like "begins with", "is", "contains", "ends with" for
> patterns.

Yes that's planned (but as you have yet understood in a near future only 
;-). In fact the search is performed by the filter engine, so it is 
actually possible to use all filters power to do a search (when I have 
time to think the exact way to do it).
But just the proof of concept patch we're talking about : please tell me 
your comments on the whole thing.

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