Re: Reply-To header

Am 2002.02.21 10:31 schrieb(en) Brian Stafford:
> Omitting To: Cc: and Bcc: headers from a message is entirely legal 
> according to RFC 2822.  A message is required only to provide 
> originator fields and Date:
> So balsa does nothing wrong when To/Cc/Bcc are empty provided the 
> SMTP envelope lists the correct recipients.

Depends on your definition of "wrong".

"Reply to Group" is a nice to have feature that should simplify mailing 
list usage. So if you select this option, Balsa really ought to fill in 
the To: header. Not because of the RFCs, but because this is the sole 
reason of "Reply to Group"'s existence.

Unfortunately, "Reply to Group" doesn't work on my installation.

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