koi-8-r vs. koi8-r

Yesterday I got a mail from a friend in russia, and balsa had problems to 
guess the right font. The problem was that the mail had the charset encoding 
"koi8-r", but balsa does only recognise "koi-8-r". What is the right one (as 
that mail was sent using Micro$not Outlook, I tend to think that balsa is 
right... ;-))? Otherwise, the fix is a really simple two-liner in 
src/balsa-message.c as shown below.

Any comments?

Cheers, Albrecht.

---snip here---
--- balsa/src/balsa-message.c   Thu Jan 31 21:34:40 2002
+++ balsa-patched/src/balsa-message.c   Wed Feb  6 20:54:14 2002
@@ -1209,6 +1209,8 @@
       {"euc-kr", "ksc5601.1987-0", TRUE},
       {"koi-8-r", "koi8-r", FALSE},
       {"koi-8-u", "koi8-u", FALSE},
  +    {"koi8-r", "koi8-r", FALSE},
  +    {"koi8-u", "koi8-u", FALSE},
       {"us-ascii", "iso8859-1", FALSE}
---snip here---

  Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
        Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht.dress@arcor.de

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