Re: Bug: RFC2047 violation of CVS balsa [نِüؤضـ]

Yep, look OK to me...

The aouAOU in the subject have two dots above every character...

Email:        o
Work:   + 44 (0)1344 392538     o /////
Mob:    + 44 (0)7785 762976      /@   `\  /) ~
You need only two tools.        >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
A hammer and duct tape. If it    `\___/'  \) ~
doesn't move and it should use     \\\
the hammer. If it moves and shouldn't, use the tape.
On 23.04.2002 19:04 Albrecht Dreك wrote:
> Am 22.04.02 22:42:13 schrieb(en) Mike:
>> I'm using 1.3.4 and they look OK to me
> Nope. RFC 2047 "...describes extensions to RFC 822 to allow 
> non-US-ASCII text data in Internet mail header fields". The Umlauts 
> in the Subject: and From: fields are not encoded, and they are not 
> US-ASCII (which is plain 7 bit). The line in my incoming mailbox 
> looks like
> Subject: Re: Bug: RFC2047 violation of CVS balsa [نِüؤضـ]
> which is a violation of rfc2047, see 
> The correct line 
> might look like
> Subject: Re: Bug: RFC2047 violation of CVS balsa \
> =?iso-8859-15?q?=5B=E4=F6=FC=C4=D6=DC=5D?=
> Or do you see an *encoded* line in your mailbox file or in the source 
> window when looking at this mail? This would mean that my mta makes 
> something nasty...
> Cheers, Albrecht.

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