Re: [PATCH] PGP/GPG support for Balsa

Am 2002.04.13 19:12 schrieb(en) Laurent Cheylus:
   > Hi,
   >   > it's my first patch for Balsa :
   >   > It provides support for PGP/GPG in mode text (RFC 2440) for 
signing and
   > verifying PGP/GPG signed messages. It requires GPGME v0.3.5 as minimum
   > (

First of all: THANK YOU! Great work!

   >   > Please report me bugs and send me some PGP/GPG signed messages with
   > other MUA to test interoperability.

Just played a bit with it:

1) When I use my signature (the one in .signature) it produces sth. like:

- - - --  /"\
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)

- - -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Your code as well as seahorse and gpgp (two gpg-frontends) result in an 
incorrect sign message.

2) Evolution and Sylpheed don't seem to support RFC 2440 and with mutt it 
works like a grandiose!

and as a third note:
If you don't type in your passphrase (e.g. just clicking 3 times ok or 
clicking cancel) balsa will crash with

GLib-CRITICAL **: file gstrfuncs.c: line 1194 (g_strcasecmp): assertion `s1 
!= NULL' failed.
gpg.c:536: GpgmeError Canceled

Like I already said above: great work, thanks!


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