Re: Why Balsa is so slow ? and other remarks

On 2002.04.05 03:00:30 -0600 Bobby D. Bryant wrote:

> I do use a pixmap theme, but the problem seems to be as bad when 
> reading messages as when composing, or maybe worse.

Actually,  my own message gave me a good A/B comparison, since what I 
sent and what I got back were almost exactly the same size and there 
wasn't much time delay between composing and reading.  I would say they 
both scrolled at pretty nearly the same seed.

The big problem is with multi-hundred line archive messages; I would 
guess that Balsa is rendering either the text or the pixmap even for 
the portions that are not visible.

This applies even to ordinary ASCII messages.  The delay in scrolling 
appears to be proportional to the size of the message.  My system 
monitor shows that much CPU time is used between the click on the 
scroll bar and the completion of the window update.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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