Re: Attachments marked as "inline"

On 26/10 2001 09:20 Toralf Lund wrote:
> Is it just me, or will all attachments get
> Content-Disposition: inline
> with the current version?
> That's not what we want, is it (yeah, I know Netscape does that, but 
> that doesn't mean it's right)?
This may be a result of changing default content disposition in libmutt. I 
don't remember right now why I did that, but it's a part of one of the 
patches I submitted earlier. The problem is fixed by the attached patch, 
which it's probably a good idea to apply regardless of what other updates 
are committed, as it means making fewer assumptions about libmutt 

A still think the whole attachment support needs revision, though. 
Ideally, the content disposition should be configurable via the part menu. 
Also, as I've said earlier, the word "attachment" is in my opinion greatly 
misused in the names of GUI components, functions and variables, as well 
as the discussion on the mailing list. This *is* a problem, as the code 
gets a lot harder to maintain when there is confusion about the terms used 
in names etc., in my experience, anyway.

- Toralf
Index: libbalsa/send.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/balsa/libbalsa/send.c,v
retrieving revision 1.140
diff -u -b -r1.140 send.c
--- libbalsa/send.c	2001/10/20 12:14:54	1.140
+++ libbalsa/send.c	2001/10/26 12:24:43
@@ -1264,6 +1264,7 @@
 		/* use BASE64 encoding for non-text mime types 
 		   use 8BIT for message */
+		newbdy->disposition = DISPATTACH;
 		if(!strcasecmp(mime_type[0],"message") && 
 		   !strcasecmp(mime_type[1],"rfc822")) {
 		    newbdy->encoding = ENC8BIT;
@@ -1437,6 +1438,7 @@
 		    /* use BASE64 encoding for non-text mime types 
 		       use 8BIT for message */
+		    newbdy->disposition = DISPATTACH;
 		    if(!strcasecmp(mime_type[0],"message") && 
 		       !strcasecmp(mime_type[1],"rfc822")) {
 			newbdy->encoding = ENC8BIT;

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