Re: PATCH: cleanup + vim sets remove

On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 21:30:49 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> patch 2:
> this removes every vim: blahsettings headertags out of the balsa
> code, reasons are comming up now.
> a) it completely crappyfies reading the existing balsa code its
>    totally impossible reading the code cleanly
> b) when doing some code on balsa, you get shit out that really
>    dont fit balsa's codingstyle. dunno who implemented them but
>    they are really sad. i am able following balsa style by following
>    the stuff in the code and my own made ~/.vimrc file theres no need
>    to overrun and annoy programming.
What are the right vim settings? If the headertags are not right, they 
should be changed! I'm using vim, and i like these parameters correctly 
set. If you want everyone to set them on there own, you should remove the 
emacs headers also.
A quick check seams to suggest that ts=4 should be changed to ts=8. Maybe 
we have to add the cinoptions parameter too.


BTW whats in your .vimrc for balsa?
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