Re: Prop: make URL's clickable

On 2001.05.08 21:18:58 +0200 Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> Although I hope that this patch makes life a little easier, it is far from
> being perfect. As I did not want to move from the gtk_text widget, I can not
> change the mouse cursor shape when it moves over an URL. The alternative would
> be using a canvas (like gnome-help-browser does?), but then we loose the
> ability to select (and copy & past) parts of a message. Maybe it is possible
> to hack an extension, catching the motion-notify-event, and change the cursor.
> An other nice extension would be to make mailto:... links clickable as well.
> This would lead to some bigger changes in sendmsg_window_new(), though.
> As always, any comment is really welcome!

Hello Albrecht

thanks for your great patch i really like it because i applied it
but here are some improvements that would be nice if you could add

a) mouse shape should change to the 'finger/hand' shape
b) underline of the url after mouse points over it and
   un-underline after its off again. to see what i was
   talking off. paste an url into GNOME-TERMINAL with
   http:// etc...


Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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