Re: balsa+libesmtp bug

On 2001.05.04 13:38:25 +0100 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Fri,  4 May 12:31 Carlos Morgado wrote:

> | The reply codes to each rctp to: command are not being parsed
> | correctly
> The reply codes *are* parsed correctly.  This is fundamental
> to the correct operation of the SMTP client.
yes, sorry i meant the correct action is not being taken by balsa
(thinko was, balsa+esmtp is not parsing correctly the situation)

> | and balsa+libesmtp believes blindly the "250 message accepted" code.
> At present, Balsa cannot handle resending only the failed recipients
> of a message.  The smtp_option_require_all_recipients() API is a
> quick hack for Balsa's benefit and was intended to abort the session
> if *any* recipients were rejecetd by the SMTP server.
this seems more resonable than flaging succeful delivery when only the
Bcc: (which actually is is accepted.

> The bug is actually in the implementation of
> smtp_option_require_all_recipients() which complicates the protocol
> engine more than I'd like if done properly.

> I would prefer that Balsa handled this situation rather than have the
> smtp_option_require_all_recipients() API which is amazingly ugly.
> I'd really like to remove this API rather than fix it.

> One possibility that comes to mind is to record recipient status in
> messages in the outbox and only send to recipients that have either
> not been tried previously or have a transient failure (4xx) recorded
> against them.  Finally, the message would be removed from the outbox
> to the sentbox only when all recipients are accepted.
seems correct except for the auto Bcc: case. i think it should only
be sent to auto-bcc after all other recipients are succefuly handled.
in fact, i think auto-bcc should be handled when moving to sentbox as i 
don't see any use for it other than having a remote sentbox
> It occurs to me that a better solution to this problem than
> smtp_option_require_all_recipients() is to add a new API that enumerates
> outstanding recipients of a message, along the lines of
> smtp_enumerate_recipients().  This API could be used to create, say,
> an X-Envelope-Recipient: header in outbox messages which could be used
> to generate the recipient list for a message when the user attempts to
> resend it to the failed recipients.

there should also be more feedback to the user about recipients with 5xx
errors and possibly abort the send and move the message back to draftbox 
in that case.

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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