Re: changin focus to Trash when deleting mail

On 2001-03-07 10:50 Reychman Felix wrote:
> Whenever I delete a mail Balsa switches focus to Trash, and I have to
> select Inbox again. This only happens when pressing the "D"-button to
> delete a message.

Yes, this is a bug. Just close Trash mailbox. And it has been there for
long time, it was often just not noticeable.

> How do I do to make Balsa save a copy of all mail I send? 

sent mail is saved in sentbox - as long as it is a local mailbox. It
cannot be IMAP mailbox for the time being although I am optimist and
believe this can be fixed relatively fast.

> Can I specify the mail-folder in which I want it saved manually?

In compose window: Show/Fcc, and then choose right mailbox in the list.


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