Re: double sended mails (with -m option)

Carlos Morgado wrote:
> On 2001.06.04 18:24:15 +0100 m96 wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > can anyone confirm this:
> >
> > i'm using balsa with the option 'balsa -m ""' to send mails. after i
> > push the send button it sends successfuly and stores a copy of it in the
> > "Outbox" to send and "Sentbox".
> >
> > if i open balsa (the main program) and write and send a mail then it
> > sends the stored mails in "Outbox" again. but this time it doesn't make
> > copies of the before sended mails in the "Sentbox" (which is correct
> > because i still sended those messages). so the only behaviour of balsa
> > is that it sends those mails 2 times.
> >
> > i'm using balsa 1.1.5 on debian sid (unstable).
> >
> humm .. never seen that. using sendmail or libesmtp ?
> do some of recipientes have delivery errors ?

i compiled with libesmtp and as outgoing mail server
i'm running qmail as mail server.

none have delivery errors. i send all of them to my self. and checked my
pop account with a small perl script.

ps: if i write multiple messages with 'balsa -m ""' in a row it sends
after and after only the first one. the other ones goes at first on send
queued mail.

alias m96.

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