Re: Fwd: Re: wrap problem [albrecht dress arcormail de]


On 2001.07.27 08:20 Emmanuel wrote:
> I cc to the list so that someone can tell us more about paragraph 
> delimiting :)

IMHO, paragraphs should be delimited by a single \n. This is the notion
supported by most word processors today. Hitting <enter> ends a paragraph.
The end of a paragraph must not always be a blank line. I always use text
entry fields as if that were the case, and I don't like them to behave
differently. If I type a single \n, I don't want that to be removed by
"reflow paragraph". If there's a \n, it's there because I meant there should
be one, it's not an option, I want it there. Programs shouldn't try to
second-guess humans, they should do as they're told.

While I'm at it, I found another issue in the compase text area as well.
Sometimes, when I mark multiple lines using the keyboard and delete them,
the preceding line will be visually blanked, or only the first character
will remain. Entering that line with the cursor or resizing the window will
make it reappear. Has anyone else seen this?


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