gettext fix patch


following problem that i and probably many others of you may
have with CVS.

you '' balsa and want to 'make' the source then you
get an error message in the 'po' directory because of missing
'Makefile'. many of you probably solved this issue by downgrading
to an earlier version of 'gettext' e.g. 0.10.35 .. but i am using
0.10.38 as recommendet by many gnome developers and other gnome
applications so the 'po' directory for balsa is always 'borked' i
used to solve this problem by linking 'Makefile' to ''
since gettext creates only      and

but no 'Makefile' today i found the time and reviewed this issue,
since it cant be the correct solution to always link that file. i
found out that in the you use AM_GNU_GETTEXT as check
but gnome recommends AM_GNOME_GETTEXT after i fixed that behaviour
all makefiles are created correctly and the sources are getting
compiled correctly too. so no need to link anymore. this fix should
also work with earlier gettext versions below 0.10.38 i would really
appreciate feedback if problems occoured and if possible this should
really be committed to the cvs.


Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science


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