GnuPG code

Hello list,

After fighting with my ISP for my webspace back to no avail, I had to use
GeoCities to put the code up for the GPG encryption support. Geocities is
wierd about file extentions, so I had to rename the .h files to .h.txt.
Instead of generating patches, I just put the modified files up. I didn't
generate patches, because some of the files have changed since I CVSed them
down a few weeks ago. If there is a better way to do this, let me know, and
I'll do it.

Here are the changes:


added two fields to the struct BalsaSendmsg


added to the constructor to set the two new fields in BalsaSendmsg to

added function handle_password()  (I got this from another file in balsa
where it was declared static, so I had to make a copy of it for use in this

added functions toggle_encrypt_cb, toggle_sign_cb, get_gpg_passphrase.

added to send_message_handler to get password and encrypt the message.


added declarations for my gpg functions (they're all in one block)


added #include for regex.h (used in function libbalsa_sanitize_email())

added functions
	libbalsa_message_decrypt  (doesn't do anything yet)
	libbalsa_message_verify     (doesn't do anything yet)

if you want, I can generate diffs against the CVS version I have (post
1.01) but I don't know exactly how I would do it against the current ones
since other changes have been made. Please bear with me as I have never
done this before.

Thank you,


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