Re: Balsa crash

On Wed, 07 Feb 2001 23:35:07 Jacob Ilsų Christensen wrote:
| Hi.
| I just found out a way to make balsa (newest cvs) crash. In order to do
| it one has to do exactly like this:

Oooh, another one for me :)

| 1. Click Compose
| 2. Click in To
| 3. Type in a name (which matches one in the adress book)
| 4. Go to end of line and hit backspace until To contains the string:
|    " ()"

This is the bug.  It shouldn't spit out " ()".  It should spit ""

| 5. Click in the end of the To entry-box
| 6. Doubleclick to highlight the ()

Then you wouldn't be able to do the above.

| 7. Hit backspace
| And balsa crashes.
| Best regards,
| Jacob Ilsų
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Kind regards,				  

Berend De Schouwer, +27-11-712-1435, UCS

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