Re: tweeking blasa

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Stephen Adler wrote:
> I don't know if you can tell from this e-mail I'm sending, but its comming
> to you composed from balsa. Very nice work guys! One problem which I have

Of course we can tell, we're omnipotent... (the X-Mailer header helps as
well :-).

> is the way the Inbox is located in the Mailbox window on the upper left of
> the main balsa window. I've got a gazillion mail folders which I brought
> over form my old mail client, zmail. Now its a bit difficult to find the
> Inbox burried under the 100 or more mail folders. Is it possible to somehow
> make it such that the Inbox is placed at the top of the list no matter what
> other mail folders you have and how they are named? This would make it
> easier to "click" on the Inbox, to get you back to read the Inbox mail.

It is possible, but from what I remember when last attempted it, it seemed
like more trouble than it was worth.  However there may be another method of
accomplishing it, I'll have to take a look.
> Also, when I click on the "From" or "Subject" fields in the mail list
> window which is to the right of the Mailbox window, every thing is ordered
> in desending order, so that the latest e-mails are at the top of the
> window. Is it possible to reverse the order from assending to desending or
> vis-versa?

You should be able to reverse the sort order by clicking on the sorting
field again.  Perhaps we should have some sort of indicator of:

a) what is the current sorting field and

b) what is the sorting direction (ascending/descending)

Pan has a method using "+" and "-" appended to the column label, but it
doesn't work to good IMHO.  

Yet another thing for the TODO list.


Matthew Guenther                     A hermit is a deserter from the army                   of humanity.

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