Can't compile balsa-1.2.3 CVS - Gnome-VFS problem


After getting last night's Balsa (1.2.3) from CVS, I haven't been able 
to properly compile it. Actually, I can't even configure it. The 
`configure' script keeps babbling about Gnome-VFS-devel as you can 

# ./configure --disable-nls --prefix=/usr


checking whether to Gnome-VFS is available... configure: error: 
Gnome-VFS(-devel) library is needed to build balsa

...after which it exits. I've installed Gnome-VFS from source 
(gnome-vfs-1.0.3.tar.gz) and exhaustively tried every configuration I 
could think, still with no results... I think it might be something to 
do with misplaced libs and/or headers but I've tried many different 
locations, yet no success achieved.


Best regards,

         -- Paulo Andre'

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