Re: bug with the Message-ID ?

On 2001.12.03 15:41 Brian Stafford wrote:
> Anyway, maybe if EHLO responds with "(desws061)" in the first response, 
> auto deletion of troublesome headers could be enabled.  But even if I 
> implement this, I would add a --enable- option to the configure script 
> and it would always be off by default - I don't want to make this sort of 
> thing easy.

Don't bank on that response. It's the internal name of the one host out of 
the cluster they have doing mail that responded to your connection request. 
Other's results _will_ vary.
I, personally, after seeing all this talk, would prefer to have that 
pseudo-protocol "CIS Mail" in there. If and when CIS mends it's ways it can 
be dropped. No configure option, please. The class of users who will have 
this problem in the future will use binary packages, I'm sure! Some may not 
even install the compiler on their system, they'll regard Linux as much as 
a black box as they do windows.

>> If the WIndows monopoly is to be broken, we need to think as users 
>> would, not as programmers do.
> Indeed.  And this is why I consider that standards are so important.  
> When everyone conforms all those niggling little things that need to be 
> manually configured by confused punters simply just go away.
No. Someone will always try to modify a standard. A program, from a "dumb" 
user's point of view, just has to work. He doesn't care how, or why, it has 
to work! If it doesn't he'll call support, e.g. nag this mailing list.
It's that simple. We have found the reason for the problem with CIS, if we 
refuse to fix it, Balsa will be that much less usable.
The reason this hasn't come up until now is also very simple: Not too many 
simple users are on Linux yet, and the percentage of those who use CIS is 
small. Anyone who knows a bit about computers and/or has a bit of common 
sense will avoid CIS/AOL et al like the plague.
But, another class of users, without computer knowledge/common sense, is 
part of the group of users that will use Linux/Gnome/Balsa in the future. 
They need to be able to handle it - without configure, without a text 
editor and without CIS changing their software.

> I'm half inclined to advise CIS users to get a Yahoo! account.  Nothing

They don't know what Yahoo is, some of them....

> - qmail's author is even more pedantic about standards than I am.  (Qmail

That's saying a lot! :)


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