Re: 1.1.7 or 1.2pre?

Hi Jules,

Wait until 1.2.
Improvments between 1.1.7 and 1.2 worste the few days.
The show url bug seems to have disapear with current cvs and current Sid


Le 2001.08.28 17:33:57 +0200, Jules Bean a écrit :
> (Yes, I'm behind on the list again)
> I'm about to compile some new debian packages (fix that stupid CFLAGS
> thing which breaks HTML mail, hopefully).
> So, 1.1.7 again, or 1.2pre?  I normally avoid -pre versions, and I've
> seen some suggestions of instability on this list, but since I haven't 
> tried it, I'm poorly placed to judge.  What would you recommend for
> inclusion in debian?
> Jules
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