Re: 1.1.7 or 1.2pre?

On 2001-08-28 17:33 Jules Bean wrote:
> So, 1.1.7 again, or 1.2pre?  I normally avoid -pre versions, and I've
> seen some suggestions of instability on this list, but since I haven't
> tried it, I'm poorly placed to judge.  What would you recommend for
> inclusion in debian?

Well, if you can wait a day or two (or three, it's never certain :-),
balsa-1.2.pre3 can be a way to go. We have fixed a number of bugs since
1.1.7 and I am sure it would pay off to grab pre3. Anything older than
current CVS can (but does not have to, it depends on library versions,
if I understood correctly) trigger ugly fork-related gnome_show_url()
(and gnome_exec_async) problems. I would be cautious.


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