Re: PATCH: don't include text/html in reply, ...

Am 23.08.2001 09:55:44 schrieb(en) Brian Stafford:
> I don't think academia has a monopoly on the importance of content. 
> However,
> no matter what the content, presentation is all important.  By and large
> presentation is pretty good in a simple plain/text message, after all there
> is nothing to distract from the purpose of the message.

Agree... however, I only get commercial html mails. Science people seem to
prefer text mails and attach their nicely formatted stuff (usually LaTeX
output -- what would M$ say if we send them .tex files and not .doc??? ;-)) as
postscript or pdf, and that's actually readable everywhere - UN*X, MacOS, old
VAXes, and even M$.

> Unfortunately, for many, the ability to have 17 colours and 9 fonts means
> that
> they will be used resulting in bloody awful presentation.  Then it doesn't

Beleive me, some companies actually do that!
> No need to apologise!  My better world is one where things are simpler.
> Mail without HTML, HTML without javascript, flash, animated images ...


> television programs that start at the *same* time every week (are you
> listening BBC?), sigh!

And I always thought that german TV was much worse than good old BBC... I am
only a frequent listener to the BBC World Service on shortwave, and that's
*really* good.

> I feel ill.  The aggregate document problem was such that HTML messages with
> embedded images weren't even compatible between Nutscrape and Microsloth.

Sounds logical. Web pages aren't compatible between them, too.

> I suspect the M$ strategy is to exclude anyone not using a sufficiently
> recently
> purchased M$ product.


Cheers, Albrecht.

    Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
      Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

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