Re: IMAPS problems...

On 2001.08.22 15:38 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Wed, 22 August 14:14 Toralf Lund wrote:
> > So enabling SSL in the config would mean using SSL _and_ TLS, which is
> > fairly meaningless, right?
> Not necessarily.  If  client and server support some common set of
> protocols
> from SSLv2,3 and TLSv1, the best available will be negotiated.
I see.

Anyhow, the crash occurs here: 

	static gboolean
	imap_check_test(const gchar * path)
	    /* path has been parsed, so it's just the folder path */
	    if (balsa_app.check_imap && balsa_app.check_imap_inbox)
--->		return strcmp(path, "INBOX") == 0;
		return balsa_app.check_imap;

- file src/main-window.c (1489 on my source tree, but I've made a few other

The problem is simply that path is sometimes NULL. I didn't try to find out
when it happens...

- Toralf

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