Re: Problem with pspell

I'm under Gnu/Debian Sid.
I use spell checking in french and english.
In the preference I've checked aspell (instead of ispell).
The only problem is the missing file.
You need to create it by hand but it's trivial.


Le mar, 21 aoû 2001 00:00:31, Julian M Catchen a écrit :
> Hey Everyone,
> I recently moved my system from SuSE to Debian.  I compiled from source
> balsa 1.2pre1 (and it is very nice!) but I cannot get spell checking to
> work anymore.  I have pspell installed along with the American and
> British
> dictionaries. However, whenever I try to spell check a message, such as
> this one, a dialog pops up with the following error:
> "I'm sorry I can't find and sutable [sic] word lists for the language-tag
> "en"."
> Does anyone know what might cause this?  Pspell seems to work with other
> progams (such as "spell").
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> julian
> -- 
> mail : julian @         | ( topeka )
> www  :   |  phx, az
> sent : Mon Aug 20, 2001 02:55PM MST | 
>  The DMCA says that companies can use technology to take away fair use,
>  but programmers can't use technology to take fair use back. Now the
>  government is spending taxpayer money putting people from other
> countries
>  in jail to protect multinational corporate profits at the expense of
>  free speech
>                       --Jennifer Granick, Center for Internet and
> Society,
>                         Stanford Law School
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Christophe Barbé <>
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