Re: Pointers on debugging an LDAP Address Book Connection

On 2001.08.19 19:09 John Merryweather Cooper wrote:
> Hmm ... 
> I've re-compiled/re-installed Balsa with ldap support, but I'm having
> some
> difficulty hooking into the remote ldap server.  Balsa is giving me the
> following error message:
> Failed to bind to server: Can't contact LDAP server Check that the
> servername is valid.
> The server name is  I can ping it, I've verified with
> the sysop that it's up, but I can't get in.

Try something like:

ldapsearch -x -h 'objectClass=*'

(CL options for openldap-2.0.7-14). you may want to check that the base DN
setting is same as on the LDAP server. I use following entry in the
/etc/openldap/ldap.conf file:

BASE    o=Theoretical Chemistry, c=SE

(o: organization, c: country)

which saves me specifying this in balsa.

Pawel Salek,

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