Re: icons rework and code cleanup

On 2001.08.16 23:32:05 +0200 christophe barbe wrote:
> I've tested your patch and agree with you that it's cleaner.


> Just two comments:
> . I would be better if your patches where compatible with "patch -p1" which
> is I believe the common way to do it.

hmmm, i usually patch with -p0 i think this is a matter of taste aint it ?
theres no written down rule to use -p1

> . Could you avoid .tar.bz2 file when possible. For your last one, the
> equivalent patch is only 37kbytes.

which last one ? there wasnt one. ahh you mean applying this as a patch
file.. i dont know howto add empty files to a patch with diff. thats why
i use tar.bz2 besides mentioned that all icons got reworked i thought it
was necessary to have them completely.

> Oops I just detect that the identity icon in the compose window show
> sometimes stange background colors (when you click on it).
> Do you see the same thing ?

hmm no, the background is transparent, didn't have that issue here but lemme
look again...

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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