Re: random fixes, speedups, enchancements

On 2001.08.16 10:38:02 +0200 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> hi,
> i went quickly through all the sources primarily nailing
> down these 'if (strlen(blah) == 0)' things and oh my god,
> there are a bunch of them. here is the patch that should
> be at least confirmed by someone else before this may go
> into the CVS.

eek, a little typo found.

+       if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
+           if (!libbalsa_delete_directory_contents(new_path) ||
+               rmdir(new_path) == -1)                            <--- missing {
+               g_free(new_path);
+               closedir(d);
+               return FALSE;                                     <--- missing }
        } else {
-           if ( unlink( new_path ) == -1 )
-               goto error;
+           if (unlink( new_path ) == -1)                         <--- missing {
+               g_free(new_path);
+               closedir(d);
+               return FALSE;                                     <--- missing }

here the patch for this section only, the rest seem to be
ok so far sorry for this unbehave.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science


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