FIXME: explainations to nail them down.


since pawel asked us to take care about these 'FIXME:' sections within the
balsa code, i've taken the time and comment some of them in hope that these
lines are beeing removed in the future. now back to the facts, feel free to
comment or correct me as sooner we nail these things down, the better for us
all :)

[point 1]-------------------------------------------------------------

affected file.....: src/save-restore.c

    /* FIXME: PKGW: why comment this out? Breaks my Transfer context menu. */
    if (balsa_app.mblist_width < 100)
	balsa_app.mblist_width = 170;

    balsa_app.notebook_height = gnome_config_get_int("NotebookHeight=170");
    /*FIXME: Why is this here?? */
    if (balsa_app.notebook_height < 100)
	balsa_app.notebook_height = 200;

oki why are these both there. we want to ensure that we get some default width
within these elements, we ensure that they never get lower values e.g. we shrink
these elements by misstake to 20pixels or whatever then it might be hard getting
the correct sizes back, so we enforce them to keep at least a reasonable value.

[point 2]-------------------------------------------------------------

affected file.....: src/save-restore.c

    /* Section for geometry ... */
    /* FIXME: Saving window sizes is the WM's job?? */
    gnome_config_push_prefix(BALSA_CONFIG_PREFIX "Geometry/");

    /* ... column width settings */
    gnome_config_set_int("IndexNumWidth", balsa_app.index_num_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("IndexStatusWidth", balsa_app.index_status_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("IndexFromWidth", balsa_app.index_from_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("IndexDateWidth", balsa_app.index_date_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("IndexSizeWidth", balsa_app.index_size_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("MainWindowWidth", balsa_app.mw_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("MainWindowHeight", balsa_app.mw_height);
    gnome_config_set_int("MailboxListWidth", balsa_app.mblist_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("SendMsgWindowWidth", balsa_app.sw_width);
    gnome_config_set_int("SendMsgWindowHeight", balsa_app.sw_height);
    gnome_config_set_int("NotebookHeight", balsa_app.notebook_height);

why the question about saving window sizes is the job of the wm ? well if we
look closer into these things, then we realize that we don't only save the
window dimensions, we also save the size of the clist and ctree labels.

yes, actually all new window managers support remembering of their positions
and size, but there are still a lot of windowmanagers, like FVWM, MWM, TWM,
AFTERSTEP and whatever, that dont support these things, if we remove these
lines out of the code, then balsa would start up in the default size all the
time and this could be really annoying, since we are keeping an internal
default size for balsa windows of 640x480. we make sure that users of older
windowmanagers could keep an default size and for us with new modern window
managers, won't care about this at all.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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