Re: size/lines clist initialisation fix.



On Sun, 12 Aug 2001 22:21:10  
 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
>excercise through this i've detected that the size/lines clist
>item doesn't get initialized.
>this means.
>#, S, A, From, Subject, Date
>gets initialized, means it gets values about a default width, all
>these default widths counted together gives us 640 pixels
>but the new size/lines item isn't initialized this means it's in
>a fuzzy state, no clean width no clean initialisation. it's *said*

It wasn't a bug, it was a feature! :)

I believe the column width should be
calculated dynamically by the widget
library. IMHO, default pixel values are not
good idea because:
- 640 or any other fixed value might look
"funny" on a strange screen (e.g.
super-hyper high resolution) with strange
fonts (e.g. super-hyper wide).
- every time a new column or widget is added
the sizes will have to be recalculated
again by hand to fit the 640 pixels. This
seems sucky to me, because one of the
reasons I am using a computer is NOT to have
to recalculate stuff by hand :)
I think it's OK to say the window width
should be 640, but the the widget sizes
should be left to the widget lib for
automatic calculation. And if someone still
wants to specify column widths explicitely,
these widths should be expressed as number
of characters, not pixels.

OK, enough ranting :)

As for your other question, about forcing
the preferences changes to appear
immediately in the message list window...
I don't have currently the balsa sources
installed but I remember that you should
put the code in the same place where balsa
recalculates date and size (bytes <> ln)
- that means in the callback for "focus"
signal. This should be enough.


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