Re: balsa-1.1.3 released

On 2001.03.31 00:48 Julian M Catchen wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I just installed Balsa 1.1.3 on my SuSE 6.3 system.  I use mostly mH
> mailboxes as I like to be able to use standard UNIX tools on my mail
> files.
> Anyway, with this new release (I was previously using 1.1.1) when I open
> several mailboxes in a row, balsa goes into some infinite loop and
> consumes
> all CPU resources.  I have to do a kill -9 to get the CPU back.  I am
> thinking this may be because of the mH mailboxes?  It usually will read
> two
> or three mailboxes, but then on the forth it goes nuts.
> Can someone else who uses mH please verify this problem or otherwise look
> into it?
> Some more stats:  kernel 2.4.3, X 4.0.3, glibc 2.1, Ximian Gnome.
> Thanks,
> julian

I can confirm a similar problem with Maildir. With the latest CVS version,
(freshly updated and built) using Maildir with multiple Mailboxes, all I
need do is select JVW threading with one of the Mail Directories open and
the same thing happens.

Geoff Everist

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