Re: Compiling 0.9.5

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:26:31 James Laska wrote:

> > Am I not properly including <sys/stat.h> somehow?  Any ideas
> > how I should attack this?

>From the GLIBC2 FAQ:

2.7. Looking through the shared libc file I haven't found the
     functions `stat', `lstat', `fstat', and `mknod' and while
     linking on my Linux system I get error messages.  How is
     this supposed to work?

{RM} Believe it or not, stat and lstat (and fstat, and mknod) are
supposed to be undefined references in!  Your problem is
probably a missing or incorrect /usr/lib/ file; note that
this is a small text file now, not a symlink to  It 
should look something like this:

GROUP ( libc_nonshared.a )

Also make sure the text file mentioned above is world readable.


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