[jacky lu ite com tw: About the problem of Balsa....]

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 09:57:32 you wrote:
Hello, chbm:

	I am sorry to disturb you. I have problem in compiling balsa 0.9.4
at my 
	machine, even if balsa 0.8.1. The error message showed that when gcc
	compiling libmutt, there are several undeclared vaule, like LOCK_EX,

	LOCK_SH, LOCK_NB, LOCK_UN in mx.c. I was running gcc at Solaris
	2.6 with Gnome Desktop 1.0.51, UltraSPARC II. Please give me a hand
	to install Balsa, Thanks a lot.

Jacky Lu

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