A simple question about filters in CVS.

I have compiled CVS with filter and threads today.
Yes, it seems to work pretty good.
But since i thought that the filteroptions was supposed to be some kind of
GUI for setting up
procmail, i was supprised that it didn't load my procmail settings.
I already have an old ~/.procmailrc with some settings in..   
So why don't balsa load that file?
Where do balsa save its procmailrc file?
Well.. i dont have time to looke in to the source to find out what you are
So, how do the filterthing work excactly?
I have no use for filters in balsa if its not build on procmail and i have
NO use for filters in balsa if 
i cant run fetchmail, since i have fetchmail running in the background
everytime i connect to
the internet, and i like it that way!

Stupid questions.. ? maybe, i dont know.

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