[HACKING] Mailbox tree rewrite


I have started the mailbox tree redesign in order to implement "properly"
mailbox tree edition (both local and remote IMAP). 

I have come up with following class structure (A):

GtkObject -> LBMailboxNode -> LBMailbox (and here existing MB types)
                           -> LBMailboxSet -> LBMSLocal (dir)
                                           -> LBMSRemote(imap)

LibBalsaMBNode (called MN later) are associated with the visible nodes in
the mailbox tree. They come basically in two flavours: leaves (which are
actual mailboxes that can be read, etc., and their parents (which can be a
mailbox directories, whole imap servers etc.) Leaves=mailboxes could be
rooted also at the top level.

Alternative strategy would be to create following structure (B):

GtkObject -> LBMailboxNode -> LBMBLeaf 
                           -> LibBalsaMailboxSet -> LBMSLocal (dir)
                                                  -> LBMSRemote(imap)

where LBMBLeafs own (or link to) LBMailbox as they are defined today. This
would separate better GUI (where LBMailboxNode belong) and backend (Mailbox

Each MailboxNode will have following methods:

insert_to_gtktree() - inserts itself to the mailbox tree (mailboxSets ask
their children to intsert themselves recursively).

static::get_edit_widget() - returns a widget for given MN class.

fill_edit_widget() - fills given edit widget with MN data. These two
functions are separated to allow: a) creation of new MNs, b) attribute

set_from_widget() - sets MN fields from the edit widget.

static::load_conf() - creates new NM from the configuration data

save_conf() -- saves itself to the configuration (note that automatically
generated nodes like those created by scanning directories or imap servers
will leave this job to their parents).

Any comments? Suggestions?

Pawel Salek, pawsa@theochem.kth.se

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