Postponing and such...


I send a short patch for the message postponing I have broken some time
ago, and also neat graying of 'send' and 'postpone' menu entries and
toolbar buttons in the compose window. I wonder if the rules for graying
should be the same for both buttons but that's the way it has been
implemented so far.

Actually, I find continuation of postponed messages not very intuitive
but, well, don't see better solutions. Yet. Suggestions are welcome.

I have had a quick look over GtkExText and it seems that it would not
be too difficult to use it as replacement for GtkText. the only issues
I see are: a. we have one more dependency; this is what I am concerned
with, and b.GtkExText has still some rough edges in the API (but I hope
they can be smoothened).

Concerning my previous remarks on the notify window, I have noticed one
can swith off the fetching notify window in the preferences and it
really made me happy; I haven't been able to find corresponding setting
for sending...

? balsa
? sensitive.patch
? src/.libs
Index: src/sendmsg-window.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/balsa/src/sendmsg-window.c,v
retrieving revision 1.159
diff -c -r1.159 sendmsg-window.c
*** src/sendmsg-window.c	2000/03/01 01:02:34	1.159
--- src/sendmsg-window.c	2000/03/01 15:43:11
*** 53,58 ****
--- 53,59 ----
  void send_body_wrap (Body *body, GtkText *text);
+ static void check_readiness(GtkEditable *w, BalsaSendmsg *bsmsg);
  static void set_menus(BalsaSendmsg*);
  static gint toggle_from_cb (GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
  static gint toggle_to_cb (GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
*** 94,105 ****
--- 95,109 ----
  static GnomeUIInfo main_toolbar[] =
+ #define TOOL_SEND_POS 0
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK (N_ ("Send"), N_ ("Send this mail"), send_message_cb,
+ #define TOOL_ATTACH_POS 2
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK (N_ ("Attach"),N_ ("Add attachments to this message"),
  			  attach_clicked, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_ATTACH),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK (N_ ("Postpone"), N_ ("Continue this message later"),
  			  postpone_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_SAVE),
*** 118,136 ****
  static GnomeUIInfo file_menu[] =
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Include File..."), NULL,
  			 include_file_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_OPEN),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Attach file..."), NULL, 
  			 attach_clicked, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_ATTACH),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Send"),N_ ("Send the currently edited message"),
  			 send_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_MAIL_SND),
  			 postpone_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_SAVE),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("Print"), N_ ("Print the edited message"), 
  			  print_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PRINT),
--- 122,145 ----
  static GnomeUIInfo file_menu[] =
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Include File..."), NULL,
  			 include_file_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_OPEN),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Attach file..."), NULL, 
  			 attach_clicked, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_ATTACH),
+ #define MENU_FILE_SEND_POS 3
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("_Send"),N_ ("Send the currently edited message"),
  			 send_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_MAIL_SND),
  			 postpone_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_SAVE),
    GNOMEUIINFO_ITEM_STOCK(N_ ("Print"), N_ ("Print the edited message"), 
  			  print_message_cb, GNOME_STOCK_PIXMAP_PRINT),
*** 496,502 ****
--- 505,514 ----
    create_email_entry(table, _("From:"),0,GNOME_STOCK_MENU_BOOK_BLUE,msg->from);
    /* To: */
    create_email_entry(table, _("To:"), 1, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_BOOK_RED, msg->to );
+   gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (msg->to[1]), "changed",
+ 		      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (check_readiness), msg);
    /* Subject: */
    msg->subject[0] = gtk_label_new (_("Subject:"));
    gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (msg->subject[0]), 0.0, 0.5);
*** 629,651 ****
  /* continueBody ---------------------------------------------------------
     a short-circuit procedure for the 'Continue action'
  static void
  continueBody(Message * message, BalsaSendmsg *msg)
     GString *rbdy;
!    g_return_if_fail(message->body_list != NULL); /* FIXME: is it needed? */
     rbdy = content2reply (message, NULL); 
     gtk_text_insert (GTK_TEXT (msg->text), NULL, NULL, NULL, rbdy->str, 
  		    strlen (rbdy->str));
     g_string_free (rbdy, TRUE);
  /* quoteBody ------------------------------------------------------------
     quotes properly the body of the message
-    Continue basically copies the text over to the entry field.
  static void 
  quoteBody(Message * message, BalsaSendmsg *msg, SendType type)
--- 641,663 ----
  /* continueBody ---------------------------------------------------------
     a short-circuit procedure for the 'Continue action'
+    basically copies the text over to the entry field.
  static void
  continueBody(Message * message, BalsaSendmsg *msg)
     GString *rbdy;
!    message_body_ref (message);
     rbdy = content2reply (message, NULL); 
     gtk_text_insert (GTK_TEXT (msg->text), NULL, NULL, NULL, rbdy->str, 
  		    strlen (rbdy->str));
     g_string_free (rbdy, TRUE);
+    message_body_unref (message);
  /* quoteBody ------------------------------------------------------------
     quotes properly the body of the message
  static void 
  quoteBody(Message * message, BalsaSendmsg *msg, SendType type)
*** 653,662 ****
     GString *rbdy;
     gchar *str, *personStr;
!    message_body_ref (message); /* avoid unexpected object vanishing(?) */
-    //body = (Body *) message->body_list->data;
     personStr = (message->from && message->from->personal) ?
        message->from->personal : _("you");
--- 665,672 ----
     GString *rbdy;
     gchar *str, *personStr;
!    message_body_ref (message);
     personStr = (message->from && message->from->personal) ?
        message->from->personal : _("you");
*** 1043,1048 ****
--- 1053,1084 ----
+ static gint 
+ is_ready_to_send(BalsaSendmsg * bsmsg) {
+    gchar *tmp;
+    size_t len;
+    tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (bsmsg->to[1]));
+    len = strlen (tmp);
+    if (len < 1)		/* empty */
+       return FALSE;
+    if (tmp[len - 1] == '@')	/* this shouldn't happen */
+       return FALSE;
+    if (len < 4)
+    {
+       if (strchr (tmp, '@'))	/* you won't have an @ in an
+ 				   address less than 4 characters */
+ 	 return FALSE;
+       /* assume they are mailing it to someone in their local domain */
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+ }
  static gint
  send_message_cb (GtkWidget * widget, BalsaSendmsg * bsmsg)
*** 1050,1077 ****
    Body *body;
    gchar *tmp;
    gchar *def_charset;
-   tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (bsmsg->to[1]));
-   {
-     size_t len;
-     len = strlen (tmp);
-     if (len < 1)		/* empty */
-       return FALSE;
-     if (tmp[len - 1] == '@')	/* this shouldn't happen */
-       return FALSE;
!     if (len < 4)
!       {
! 	if (strchr (tmp, '@'))	/* you won't have an @ in an
! 				   address less than 4 characters */
! 	  return FALSE;
- 	/* assume they are mailing it to someone in their local domain */
-       }
-   }
    message = message_new ();
    message->from = make_address_from_string(gtk_entry_get_text 
--- 1086,1094 ----
    Body *body;
    gchar *tmp;
    gchar *def_charset;
!   if(! is_ready_to_send(bsmsg)) return FALSE;
    message = message_new ();
    message->from = make_address_from_string(gtk_entry_get_text 
*** 1186,1212 ****
    Body *body;
    gchar *tmp;
!   tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (bsmsg->to[1]));
!   {
!     size_t len;
!     len = strlen (tmp);
-     if (len < 1)		/* empty */
-       return FALSE;
-     if (tmp[len - 1] == '@')	/* this shouldn't happen */
-       return FALSE;
-     if (len < 4)
-       {
- 	if (strchr (tmp, '@'))	/* you won't have an @ in an
- 				   address less than 4 characters */
- 	  return FALSE;
- 	/* assume they are mailing it to someone in their local domain */
-       }
-   }
    message = message_new ();
    message->from = make_address_from_string(gtk_entry_get_text 
--- 1203,1210 ----
    Body *body;
    gchar *tmp;
!   if(! is_ready_to_send(bsmsg) ) return FALSE;
    message = message_new ();
    message->from = make_address_from_string(gtk_entry_get_text 
*** 1227,1233 ****
       message->reply_to = make_address_from_string(tmp);
    body = body_new ();
    body->buffer = gtk_editable_get_chars(GTK_EDITABLE (bsmsg->text), 0,
--- 1225,1230 ----
*** 1424,1429 ****
--- 1421,1438 ----
+ static void
+ check_readiness(GtkEditable *w, BalsaSendmsg *bsmsg) 
+ {
+    gint state = is_ready_to_send(bsmsg);
+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_menu[MENU_FILE_SEND_POS    ].widget, state);
+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_menu[MENU_FILE_POSTPONE_POS].widget, state);
+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(main_toolbar[TOOL_SEND_POS    ].widget, state);
+    gtk_widget_set_sensitive(main_toolbar[TOOL_POSTPONE_POS].widget, state);
+ }
  static gint 
  toggle_entry (GtkWidget *entry[], int pos, int cnt)
*** 1505,1510 ****
--- 1514,1522 ----
  	 iso_charset_menu[i].widget), TRUE);
     msg->charset_idx = i;
+    /* gray 'send' and 'postpone' */
+    check_readiness(GTK_EDITABLE(msg->to[1]), msg);
  /* create_font_name returns iso8859 font name based on given font 

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