Re: Help with making balsa

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Michael K Vance wrote:

> Guy Steven wrote:
> > running orbit (from Orbit-devel-0.4.0-1) produces
> > 
> > orbit-idl: error in loading shared libraries
> > : undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
> > 
> > any suggestions?
> Yeah, I don't know what the GNOME people were smoking, but most of their
> libraries are wack--very disappointing. I now only build from SRPMS, and
> everything works fine.

This is a known egcs bug, which affects all of the latest release of
RedHat.  Since most people who run GNOME are also running this release of
redhat, they don't notice it.

It is noticed by, for example, Debian users (or anyone else who hasn't got
a glibc compiled by the buggy egcs version).

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