RE: libfetchmail

A gui wrapper would fix that problem. Just because a program is console
based dosnt mean that it cant be used by a gui program
(look at gtm. It uses wget). In fact, I think it is better to have a console
program wraped by a gui in most cases. That way, the user can use the
program gui if he/she dosnt want to play with cli, and console if he/she
knows what he/she is doing. Choice is a good thing. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarel Botha []
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: libfetchmail

On Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 07:15:08AM -0500, Thomas R. Shannon wrote:
> I've been following the discussion about using fetchmail as a back end
> with some interest.  I've never understood why people don't use
> procmail as a back end for filtering.  Have you considered this?  It
> might be as easy as creating/appending an rcfile based upon info
> provided in a dialog box.

The idea behind this project is to build a _GUI_ mailer, procmail is console
and people'll have to play w/ regex's etc.

Personally I love my fetchmail + procmail setup, but that's not the point
right now :)

Sarel Botha          |     Computer &           | +27 341 81341
( |        Accounting        | BOX 2065, Dundee
                     |           Services       | 3000, South Africa
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