Re: Balsa Webpage.

hi Jesse,

At 10:29 PM 2/18/99 -0500, Jesse D. Sightler wrote:
>Is is just me or is the balsa web page badly out of date?  Looking at
>the download page seems to reveal that the latest version is
>"v0.4.6.2".  Does anyone have any idea why this hasn't been updated to
>reflect the latest Balsa release?

Yes the web page has always been pretty dodge... The current tarball
release is 0.4.9. (funny I did a CVS checkout yesterday and it said version
0.4.8 - go figure)

>Also, the web page seems to imply that IMAP support exists, but I can
>find no experiential evidence supporting this supposition.  Could
>someone please clarify the current state?  (Hehe, how's that for
>awkward, and excessively complex sentence structure?)

Yes from what I can tell the POP and IMAP support has the infrastructure
there in the code but it's not quite working great yet.

Currently I think the best way to use Balsa is to use it with fetchmail
getting the mail for you. (and procmail for filtering)...

Wayne Schuller - BSc. (Computer Science) Network Administrator
Centre for Health Program Evaluation - Austin Repat Hospital - Heidelberg.
Web:  My phone: (03) 94964448

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